Return DEX Pool Total Value Locked (TVL) and Liquidity Information for up to 1,000 pools in a single request.

Method: GET or POST



Fetching 1,000 tokens in a single request

You have to use a POSTrequest. GET requests are limited to 25 addresses per request. Look at the example at the bottom of this page for how to construct a POST request.

Request Parameters

pool_addressstringThe DEX pool address or list addresses for which to return TVL and liquidity information for.

If making a GET request use a comma separated list to provide the list of addresses. If POST use a list in the request body.

This is a required parameter.
price_typestringThe type of price to use to calculate TVL and liquidity.

The default is price_token_usd_tick_1. All possible options for price_type are given in the table below.
timestampintegerThe time (Unix timestamp format) at which to return TVL and liquidity information for.

The default is the current time.


Possible Price Types

The possible price types correspond to the prices returned by our DEX Trades table. Each price type corresponds to a different method of calculating price.

Price TypeDescription
price_token_usd_tick_1The price at which a token was traded based on the most recent swap.
price_token_usd_robust_tick_1The same as price_token_usd_tick_1 but with significant outliers removed.
price_token_usd_robust_total_{1h|24h}This provides the total price, in USD, based on both buy and sell trades executed in the last 1 or 24 hour(s).
price_token_usd_robust_buy_{1h|24h}This metric gives the total price, in USD, based solely on buy trades that have occurred in the last 1 or 24 hour(s).
price_token_usd_robust_sell_{1h|24}This shows the total price, in USD, accumulated from all sell trades in the last 1 or 24 hour(s).
price_token_usd_robust_mid_{1h|24h}The mid price is the average of the buy price and the sell price.

Response Fields

pool_addressintegerThe block number (i.e. height) of the event log.
block_numberintegerThe block number of the most recent swap in the pool.
timestampstringThe time (in Unix timestamp format) of the most recent swap in the pool.
token_0_addressstringThe address of the first token that makes up the pool.
token_1_addressstringThe address of the second token that makes up the pool.
token_0_balancedoubleThe total amount of the first token in the pool.
token_1_balancedoubleThe total amount of the second token in the pool.
token_0_price_usddoubleThe dollar price at timestamp of the first token in the pool used to calculate token_0_balance_usd. Note: This depends on the providedprice_type.
token_1_price_usddoubleThe dollar price at timestamp of the second token in the pool used to calculate token_1_balance_usd. Note: This depends on the provided price_type.
token_0_balance_usddoubleThe value (in dollars) of the total amount of the first token in the pool.
token_1_balance_usddoubleThe value (in dollars) of the total amount of the second token in the pool.
tvl_usddoubleThe total dollar value locked in the pool. This equals to the token_0_balance_usd plus token_1_balance_usd.
liquidity_usddoubleThe USD value of the amount of WETH or stable coin that is in the pool.

Example: Latest TVL and liquidity for the $UNIBOT and $PEPE pools


Try it out

In the Live Example section you can try out the request with different arguments.


In the requests below 0x8dbee21e8586ee356130074aaa789c33159921ca is the DEX pool address of $UNIBOT and 0x11950d141ecb863f01007add7d1a342041227b58 of $PEPE.

Example GET Request


Example POST Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "pool_address": [

Try in Postman:


    "data": [
            "pool_address": "0x8dbee21e8586ee356130074aaa789c33159921ca",
            "block_number": 18920667,
            "timestamp": 1704210287,
            "token_0_address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
            "token_1_address": "0xf819d9cb1c2a819fd991781a822de3ca8607c3c9",
            "token_0_balance": 1420.1199337347089,
            "token_1_balance": 50603.903837071055,
            "token_0_price_usd": 2366.0138813173976,
            "token_1_price_usd": 66.45279087555019,
            "token_0_balance_usd": 3360023.476351864,
            "token_1_balance_usd": 3362770.639171335,
            "tvl_usd": 6722794.115523199,
            "liquidity_usd": 3360023.476351864
            "pool_address": "0x11950d141ecb863f01007add7d1a342041227b58",
            "block_number": 18920625,
            "timestamp": 1704209783,
            "token_0_address": "0x6982508145454ce325ddbe47a25d4ec3d2311933",
            "token_1_address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
            "token_0_balance": 1724367966429.7976,
            "token_1_balance": 415.95220456812643,
            "token_0_price_usd": 1.369113911645586e-06,
            "token_1_price_usd": 2366.0138813173976,
            "token_0_balance_usd": 2360856.1716350447,
            "token_1_balance_usd": 984148.689972761,
            "tvl_usd": 3345004.861607806,
            "liquidity_usd": 984148.689972761

Live Example

Press Try It to make a request and see what the response looks like. Feel free to try different query parameters.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!