API Reference

Full historical decoded block data.

Method: GET

Endpoint: https://api.syve.ai/v1/filter-api/base-blocks


List of examples

The best way to understand how to use the Filter API is to visit the section of examples here.

Request Parameters

All request parameters have the format <operator>:<field_name>. Each field of the table can be used as field_name. See the "Response Fields" section below for possible values.


Request Syntax

For more information on how to construct a request using the Filter API click here.

Response Fields

block_numberintegerThe block number (i.e. height) of the event log.
timestampintegerUNIX timestamp in seconds.

The zero value corresponds to the 1st of January 1970 at UTC, called the Unix Epoch.
parent_hashstringThe hash of the parent block. The parent block is the block from which a block was generated.
mix_hashstringThe mix hash of the block used in the Proof of Work algorithm.
noncestringThe block nonce value used during mining to demonstrate proof of work for a block.
sha3_unclesstringThe hash of the block's uncle blocks.
difficultyintegerNote: After Proof-of-Stake this is 0
total_difficultyintegerTotal difficulty of all blocks up until the block.
size_bytesintegerThe block's size (in bytes).
base_fee_per_gas_gweidoubleThe minimum gas price (in Gwei) that can be paid for a transaction to be included in a block. The base fee was introduced with the London Hark Fork.
gas_limitintegerThe maximum amount of gas that can be used in the block.
gas_usedintegerThe total amount of gas used by all transactions in the block.
transactions_countintegerThe number of transactions in the block.
miner_addressstringThe address of the miner that mined the block.
uncle_countintegerThe number of uncle blocks included in the block. The maximum that can be included is two for any given block.

Live Example

Press Try It to make a request and see what the response looks like. Feel free to try different values for each request parameter.

Note: The below live example does not include all possible request parameters.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!