API Reference

Use this endpoint to return tick prices of a token.

Method: GET

Endpoint: https://api.syve.ai/v1/price/historical/tick


What are tick prices?

  • Each tick corresponds to the token price observed in an individual trade.
  • Tick prices are the most granular level which price can be observed.
  • Unlike OHLC data tick prices are not aggregated over an interval.

Request Parameters

token_addressstringThis is the address of the token for which the Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) prices will be fetched. The address should be a valid Ethereum token address. Multiple addresses can be provided as a comma-separated string.

This is a required parameter.
pool_addressintegerThis is the address of the liquidity pool from which the OHLC prices will be fetched. Multiple addresses can be provided as a comma-separated string.

This is a required parameter.
chainstringThe chain of token_address.

The default is eth. Valid options are: eth, matic.
price_typestringThis parameter determines what price to use to create OHLC with.

The default is price_token_usd_robust_tick_1. Possible options: price_token_usd_tick_1.
from_timestampintegerReturn results whose timestamp are greater than or equal to the provided value. The default value is 10 periods before until_timestamp, where the period depends on the interval chosen.
until_timestampintegerReturn results whose timestamp are less than or equal to the provided value. The default value is the current timestamp (at the time the request is made).
sizeintegerThe number of records to return. The default is 100 and the maximum is 100,000.

Response Fields

block_numberintegerThe block number (i.e. height) of the event log.
timestampintegerUNIX timestamp in seconds.

The zero value corresponds to the 1st of January 1970 at UTC, called the Unix Epoch.
transaction_hashstringThe transaction has of the transaction that the DEX trade happened in.
price_usddoubleThe price of the token denominated in dollars.
amount_tokendoubleThe amount of the token that was traded.

Example: Latest tick prices for $UNIBOT


Try it out

In the Live Example section you can try out the request with different arguments.


curl --location 'https://api.syve.ai/v1/price/historical/tick'\

Here 0xf819d9cb1c2a819fd991781a822de3ca8607c3c9 is the address of $UNIBOT token.

Try in Postman: https://www.postman.com/dark-equinox-191074/workspace/syve-examples/request/11895150-b22b1e0f-ff3e-4e02-a933-1dc25b14e1ee?ctx=documentation


    "token_address": "0xf819d9cb1c2a819fd991781a822de3ca8607c3c9",
    "token_symbol": "UNIBOT",
    "token_name": "Unibot",
    "data": [
            "block_number": 17820650,
            "timestamp": 1690898891,
            "transaction_hash": "0xf8b2c6ab983bcae3377eee1af8943363308d67d71d1e1678a57b5e9e0b217517",
            "price_usd": 110.38152066430426,
            "price_eth": 0.06022638664738673,
            "amount_token": 50.28756828502846
            "block_number": 17820646,
            "timestamp": 1690898843,
            "transaction_hash": "0x94deeead3c16a23fcf09c725e96adc01532c6e6c0ae7d5dc23f236d3d841351e",
            "price_usd": 111.00904231533418,
            "price_eth": 0.06056931234955116,
            "amount_token": 84.19545124407968
            "block_number": 17820643,
            "timestamp": 1690898807,
            "transaction_hash": "0x4bc03d683db845898dff29685473c45bfdd4a6669b17979d94bd706aa66e7dc8",
            "price_usd": 111.85412044474869,
            "price_eth": 0.06103057958241919,
            "amount_token": 95.0
            "block_number": 17820612,
            "timestamp": 1690898435,
            "transaction_hash": "0xe3cc2717b7c4f80f9905520f668b5e7531e6888149093a70cb3c2aecfac1fcd8",
            "price_usd": 112.9592549979527,
            "price_eth": 0.06163523808013077,
            "amount_token": 4.056121267431139
            "block_number": 17820606,
            "timestamp": 1690898363,
            "transaction_hash": "0xe29e05ddf9057d43b7d9fd43e68039231706970e009d291c9646fe8e581c2224",
            "price_usd": 112.29245036503706,
            "price_eth": 0.061271652905043175,
            "amount_token": 6.231102633764247

Live Example

Press Try It to make a request and see what the response looks like. Feel free to try different query parameters.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!