API Reference
block_numberintegerThe block number of the transaction of the swap.
timestampintegerUNIX timestamp in seconds.

The zero value corresponds to the 1st of January 1970 at UTC, called the Unix Epoch.
transaction_hashstringThe transaction hash of the transaction of the swap.
trader_addressstringThe "from" address of the transaction of the swap.
interacted_with_addressstringThe "to" address of the transaction of the swap, usually the router address of the DEX used.
token_addressstringThe address of the base token of the swap.
token_symbolstring The symbol of the base token in the swap.
token_namestringThe name of the base token in the swap.
quote_addressstringThe address of the quote token in the swap.
pool_addressstringThe address of the pool in which the swap happened.
protocol_namestringThe name of the DEX protocol (e.g. Uniswap) used for the swap.
price_token_usd_tick_1doubleThe dollar price at which the base token was traded.
price_token_usd_robust_tick_1doubleEquals to null if price is an outlier. If not an outlier it equals to price_token_usd_tick_1.
sidestringWhether the base token was bought or sold.

If the base token leaves the pool after a swap we consider that a buy, otherwise it's a sell.
amount_tokendoubleThe amount of the base token that was swapped.
amount_quotedoubleThe amount of the quote token that was swapped.
amount_usddoubleThe value in dollars that was swapped.
gas_usedintegerThe amount of gas used to process the transaction of the swap.
gas_price_ethdoubleThe cost per unit of gas used when processing the transaction of the swap.
gas_price_usddoubleThe dollar value of gas_price_eth.
transaction_fee_ethdoubleThe amount of Ether paid to process the transaction of the swap; equal to gas_price_eth multiplied by gas_used.
transaction_fee_usddoubleThe dollar value of transaction_fee_eth.