The trading performance of a wallet broken down by each token they traded.

Method: GET



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Request Parameters

wallet_addressstringThe wallet address for which to calculate performance.

This is a required parameter.

Response Fields

Response FieldTypeDescription
token_addressstringThe address of the token traded.
token_symbolstringThe symbol of the token traded.
token_namestringThe name of the token traded.
total.profitdoubleThe sum of all profits from both completed trades and unrealized gains for the token.
total.investmentdoubleThe sum of initial investments across all completed (realized) trades for the token.
total.returndoubleThe total profit divided by the investment multiplied by 100.
total.price_selldoubleThe average price at which the token was sold. The average is taken over all trades of the token.
total.price_buydoubleThe average price at which the token was bought. The average is taken over all trades of the token.
realized.profitdoubleThe sum of all profits from completed trades of a token.
realized.investmentdoubleThe sum of initial investments across all completed trades of the token.
realized.returndoubleThe realized profit of a token divided by the realized investment multiplied by 100.
realized.price_selldoubleThe average price at which the token was sold. The average is taken across all completed (realized) trades.
realized.price_buydoubleThe average price at which the token was bought. The average is taken across all completed (realized) trades.
realized.amount_token_solddoubleThe total quantity of tokens bought across all realized trades of the token.
unrealized.profitdoubleThe potential profit that could be realized if the token is sold at the current price.
unrealized.investmentdoubleThe value of the current holdings of a token.
unrealized.returndoubleThe potential return on investment if the token is sold at the current price.
unrealized.current_pricedoubleThe current price of the token.
unrealized.current_balance_tokendoubleThe current holdings of a token.

Live Example

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