API Reference

Description of the labels returned in the response.


All labels are based on Ethereum data.

Balance size (balance_size)

Current balance size in USD

Label valueDescription
BILLIONAIREbalance >= 1B
MILLIONAIREbalance >= 1M
6_DIGITS_BALANCEbalance >= 100K
5_DIGITS_BALANCEbalance >= 10K
4_DIGITS_BALANCEbalance >= 1K
LESS_THAN_1K_BALANCEbalance < 1K and balance > 0
0_BALANCEbalance = 0

Transaction activity level (tx_activity_level)

All time transaction activity level based on outgoing transactions from the wallet.

Label valueDescription
TOP_ONCHAIN_TRANSACTORnumber of outgoing transactions >= 1k
HEAVY_ONCHAIN_TRANSACTORnumber of outgoing transactions >= 100 and number of outgoing transactions < 1k
MEDIUM_ONCHAIN_TRANSACTORnumber of outgoing transactions >= 10 and number of outgoing transactions < 100
LIGTH_ONCHAIN_TRANSACTORnumber of outgoing transactions > 0 and number of outgoing transactions < 10
NOT_TRANSACTEDnumber of outgoing transactions = 0

Is recently active on DEX (is_recently_active_on_dex)

If the wallet has been active on DEX or aggregator within the past month.

Label valueDescription
RECENTLY_ACTIVE_ON_DEX_OR_AGGREGATORhas been active on DEX or aggregator within the past mont
NOT_RECENTLY_ACTIVE_ON_DEX_OR_AGGREGATORhas not been active on DEX or aggregator within the past mont

DEX transaction activity (dex_tx_activity)

Activity based on outgoing transactions from the wallet to a DEX or aggregator.

Label valueDescription
TOP_DEX_USERnumber of dex and aggregator transactions >= 1k
HEAVY_DEX_USERnumber of dex and aggregator transactions >= 100 and number of dex and aggregator transactions < 1k
MEDIUM_DEX_USERnumber of dex and aggregator transactions >= 10 and number of dex and aggregator transactions < 100
LIGTH_DEX_USERnumber of dex and aggregator transactions> 0 and number of dex and aggregator transactions < 10
NOT_A_DEX_USERnumber of dex and aggregator transactions = 0

DEX interacted with (dex_interacted_with)

Names of DEXs that the wallet has interacted with.

The format of the label returned is TRADED ON {SOME_DEX_OR_AGGREGATOR_NAME}. Check the table below for the DEXs and DEX aggregators considered.

LP (liquidity provider) status (LP_status)

LP provisioning level.

Label valueDescription
TOP_LP_PROVIDERnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity >= 1k
HEAVY_LP_PROVIDERnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity >= 100 andnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity < 1k
MEDIUM_LP_PROVIDERnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity >= 10 and number of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity < 100
LIGHT_LP_PROVIDERnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity > 0 and number of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity < 10
NOT_AN_LP_PROVIDERnumber of transactions involving adding or removing liquidity = 0


DEXs and DEX aggregators considered for all labels:

Uniswap V3, Uniswap V2, Curve fi, Pancakeswap V2, Pancakeswap V3, Sushiswap, Metamask, 1Inch V2, 1Inch V4, 1Inch V5, Paraswap V5, 0x, DODO