API Reference

The data provided by our API is organized in tables.

Each table can be queried using our Filer API. To query a specific table you need to know it's reference. The list of all references is given below.

Filter API Reference

Ethereum BlocksEthereumblocks
Ethereum DEX TradesEthereumdex-trades
Ethereum ERC20 TransfersEthereumerc20
Ethereum Token MetadataEthereumtoken-metadata
Ethereum Pool MetadataEthereumpool-metadata
Base BlocksBasebase-blocks
Base DEX TradesBasebase-dex-trades
Base ERC20 TransfersBasebase-erc20
Base Token MetadataBasebase-token-metadata
Base Pool MetadataBasebase-pool-metadata


Request: https://api.syve.ai/v1/filter-api/blocks?gte:block_number=14000000&size=10&sort=desc

Here blocks is the reference to our block data used by the Filter API.

Websocket API Reference

For the Websocket API use an underscore instead of a hyphen in the reference.

Ethereum BlocksEthereumeth_blocks
Ethereum DEX TradesEthereumeth_dex_trades
Ethereum ERC20 TransfersEthereumeth_erc20
Base BlocksBasebase_blocks
Base DEX TradesBasebase_dex_trades
Base ERC20 TransfersBasebase_erc20